, French Music for natural horn and strings
A. Reicha - Quintet in E for horn and strings, Op. 106
L. F. Dauprat - Quintet in F for horn and strings, Op 6, no. 1
F. Duvernoy - Quartet no. 2 in d min. for horn and string trio
Mozart and Beethoven Quintets for Piano and Winds
Performed on period instruments
Bloomington Early Music Festival Studio Recording Series
Cornucopia II
German Music for horn and strings
Mozart - Quintet K .407
J. A. Amon - Quartet, Op. 20, no. 1
M. Haydn - Romance in A flat
G. Punto - Quartet, Op. 18 no. 1
C. Stamitz - Quartet, Op. 8 no. 2